Silver Lining of the SNCF Strikes

There is a lot to be said about the SNCF strikes. The SNCF strikes affect all  public transportation and has been wreaking havoc on the city since December 5, 2019. The new normal for citizens includes overcrowded buses and metros, limited number of trains, increased traffic and higher prices for rideshares. Additionally, more people are relying on biking, rollerblades and walking to get to and from work and school. While the bare necessities are covered and most people have found solutions for their needs, the social lives and adventures of many have taken a huge hit. This is because it is hard to commit to anything outside of the allotted metro times (mornings 6:30-9:30 and one hour in the evenings 18:30-19:30). There is a silver lining to all of this in that this is an opportunity to explore your neighborhood and make new friends locally. This winter has been generally mild weather wise therefore slowing down and taking a long walk is not out of the question. Here are a few things the strike let me discover:

  1. Nocturne at the pool: This was just a by-chance discovery but because I have been more or less locked in my neighborhood I went to the local pool. Once there, I discovered the coolest event at Piscine Georges Hermant. The pool was split into two sections one for serious swimmers and the other side for floating and children and the entire pool was lit with dark blue lights and a dj played calm music. It was calm and fun and a nice discovery. I am hoping this program continues as a nice way of stress relief as well.

  2. An amazing boulangerie: Being confined to your neighborhood or ones nearby means a lot of peaking into local boulangeries and trying them out. Although I’m reluctant to give their name away for fear of more crowds, Mamiche boulangerie was simply amazing. Some of the best breads, sandwiches and desserts ever and this is no exaggeration. The line goes out of the door on any given lunch break because it’s just that good. If it weren’t for the strikes and having limited transportation I may not have ever found it!

  3. Secret roads and shortcuts: There are so many ways to see Paris outside of the typical tourist attractions. Small passages and alleys are more beautiful when you find them unexpectedly. Because the strike=more walking (see #5) there are more opportunities to get lost. 

  4. Galette des rois parties: Galette des Rois are French “King Cakes” and meant to be eaten in the New Year. The traditional cake recipe has been around since the 1700s, but there are many modern takes on the cake. There are different size cakes depending on the size of your party and there is a little porcelain figure in the middle of the cake and the lucky person that gets the figure is the King for the day. These cakes are usually eaten on January 6th but can be found in boulangeries and supermarkets until mid-January. Use this as an excuse to gather with neighbors (or try and convince coworkers to split a cake) and enjoy the sweet tradition. 

  5. Unintentional weight loss: For everyone that decided to lose weight in the new year this one is for you! Since the start of the strikes I have heard horror stories of people walking for hours to get to and from work. Some employers have even come to expect their workers to walk in the cold and see no issue with it. On the bright side, it is a cheap way to lose weight without having to subscribe to a gym.

Kiana Barry

Life in Paris as told by …Kiana Barry

Hi everyone! I’m Kiana Barry, a young New Yorker living in Paris. My journey to Paris started with a semester studying Architecture through Columbia University’s New York/Paris program and has lasted nearly 3 years. I’ve since gone on to study French at the Sorbonne and am currently obtaining my MBA in Communications. Living and learning in Paris has been such a golden experience. I started from scratch without speaking French or much knowledge on life in France and my writing reflects my experiences and growth. I love my life in Paris (although it is not without its struggles) and I hope you will come to have a beautiful life in this city as well.

The ‘Life in Paris’ blog is really a reflection of Paris through my eyes as someone who is both new and old here. To see more, visit my instagram @chief_kii :)


Christmas Markets: Tuileries Jardin